Don’t Remain Blind in the Age of AI!

Do You Monitor Your Brand on ChatGPT 4

World's First and Most Polpular LLM SEO / LSO Tool
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Why AI Monitor Matters?

Organic search traffic will decrease by 50% (according to Gartner) as more consumers embrace AI-powered searches and traditional Search platforms will look more like conversational interfaces. Are you ready?

AI Search

Generated Answers Limit Web Traffic

AI-powered answers are popping up everywhere, pushing traditional search results down the page.

Traditional SEO

Traditional SEO Does Not Work in the Age of AI

In the era of AI-powered search experiences, traditional SEO strategies that focus solely on keyword optimization just don’t work.

Rise of LLMs

The Rise of Large Language Models (LLMs)

Consumers increasingly rely on large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and Gemini to find information.

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Why Choose AI Monitor?

Imagine Hootsuite or SEMrush tailored specifically for large language models (LLMs). Instead of focusing on keywords or social media mentions, AI Monitor shifts the spotlight to user prompts and results generated by AI Search Engine Experiences.

AI Monitor Features
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Monitor What Matters

You can't manage what you don't measure. We can help you discover and log:
Brand Mentions

Brand Mentions:

Keep track of how your brand is discussed across LLM platforms.

Content Engagement

Content Engagement:

Understand how users engage with your content in AI-generated responses.

Competitor Activity

Competitor Activity:

Stay informed about your competitors’ visibility and strategies.

Custom Prompts

Custom Prompts:

Monitor any specific prompts that matter to your business.

Wide Coverage

Measure your brand and content across major LLM platforms:
ChatGPT Logo


Microsoft Copilot Logo


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Google Gemini Logo


AI Monitor Features
AI Monitor Feature

Protect Your Reputation

Identify and take action on any damaging AI-generated responses about you. While no brand wants to be labelled the worst in its industry, millions of brands witness this every day. With us you can:
Instant Alerts

Instant Alerts:

AI Monitor gives you real-time email notifications every time you get mentioned in an AI-generated response.

Perform Sentiment Analysis

Perform Sentiment Analysis:

AI responses are rarely the same. Get a quick snapshot of negative mentions as well as positive ones.

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What Our Clients Say about Us

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